ISO-gate® Technology
New LED dimmer from EHMANN
Reliable LED dimming with the new ISO-gate® Technology from EHMANN stands for a maximum of LED compatibility with diverse LED types and independence from LED manufacturers.
In the past, the challenge was to find the right and harmonic combination of dimmer and LED, as only strictly matching systems guarantee a dimmer performance of 100%. This time is over now!
Starting in 2018 the new dimmer models from EHMANN raise the bar in matters of LED compatibility, dimming characteristics, ease of use, LED power, efficiency and security.
Besides the ISO-gate® Technology they also enable a manual selection of the dimming principle (leading- or trailing-edge).
ISO-gate® Technology
The combination of new power components and the sophisticated triggering software developed by EHMANN, make the ISO-gate® Technology a guarantor for best dimming results with different LEDs, explains Markus Rosen, Productmanager at EHMANN.
The ISO-gate® technology is based on complex circuits, which can interact with different LED electronics and also control them. As every LED, whether retrofit or driver-controlled, contains an individual electronic, conventional dimmers reach their limits at some point. Therefore, the main development goal was to design a new dimming technology that can handle even the newest LED technologies. In the development process particular attention was paid to the so called “filament LEDs”, whose electronic often requires a special dimming technology.
- Unique combination of new power components and sophisticated triggering software
- „Natural triggering“ for dynamic interaction between dimmer and LED
- For best dimming results with all kind of LEDs
- Maximum compatibility – can handle even the newest LED technologies
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