GLS KlimaProtect result 2021
Between July and December 2021 we participated in the project KlimaProtect (climate protect project) by GLS. All the CO2 emissions caused by the transport of our parcels have been compensated through reforestation. Even middle-sized companies produce a lot of CO2 emissions, as you can see from our total emissions of 1.849 tons of CO2.
Because of that, it is even more important to compensate emissions through reforestations.
GLS only allows certified climate projects in cooperation with their compensation partner ClimatePartner. There are four VCS/CCBS as well as gold standard certified projects in reforestation and the expansion of renewable energies in South America and India. Thorough that, GLS contributes to a sustainable future.
A certified climate project needs to fulfill four criterias: additionality, no double counting, permanent saving as well as regularly independent checks.
With the GLS Klima Protect programme we contribute to sustainable, future-oriented parcel logistics – and the ensuring of a well-functioning supply chain.
You can check out the document here:
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