Top 100-Innovators 2021
We belong to Germanys Top 100 Innovators 2021!
Medium-sized companies with an extraordinary innovative attitude are being honored with this award. Their innovation power is being tested in a scientific selection procedure.
The well-known innovation researcher Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke and his team take the whole innovation process into consideration. The independent evaluation of the innovation potential is based on a scientifically proven examination of almost 120 criteria, which belong into five categories: Innovation funding Top-Management, innovation climate, innovative processes and organization, outer orientation (open innovation) and the success of the innovation. For this year’s evaluation, the company’s reaction onto the corona crises has been taken into consideration as well.
As lots of other companies, we were under pressure in the beginning of 2020 and were almost forced to introduce short-time work.
But instead of letting the insecurity paralyze us, the crisis in fact released creativity and motivation. The result is a development of a Business Model Innovation which is still active and under continuous improvement. Our new brand Clean4Health, a new business sector to us, consists of our own products, made in Germany, which are contributing their part to more hygiene in our everyday life. It took only two weeks to develop, realize, produce and ship the first products. The most successful products of the clean-4-health portfolio are the hands-free door opener and the maskholder comfort-fix. They have been developed by EHMANN and have been produced in large scales since then. Even in the marketing and brand development we broke new (digital) grounds and were able to win many new partners and customers, not only in Germany but also abroad.
Furthermore, we were able to realize many new projects and products in our standard portfolio. For example, our Bluetooth® Universal Dimmer opened up new solutions in the dimming area. In the medical socket strips area we implemented innovative ideas with subsequent patent registration. Also, we created new socket strips for rail-mounted devices or sockets strips with included electricity meters, to prepare our customers for the easy statement of EEG apportionments. The year 2020 was a year full of new ideas and their persistent, successful realization, which will be continued in 2021.
We are proud to be honored with this award and are happy to hear, that all the braveness, creativity and tireless support of our colleagues brought us this well through 2020 and prepared us for the future.
Since 1993, compamedia awards this seal to medium-sized companies with extraordinary innovation power and outstanding innovation success. Since 2002, Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke owns the scientific leadership. Mr. Franke is founder and board member of the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the scientific university of Vienna. The mentor of TOP100 is the science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar. Project partner is the Fraunhofer Society for the Promotion of Applied Research and the German association of medium-sized companies (BVMW).
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